Expect to be pleasantly surprised on the day of your scan, relax in a soothing, non-threatening atmosphere. When you arrive at Accuscan you will check in, complete a new patient form, and be asked to drink a bottle of water. Wear comfortable clothing, without zippers, snaps or wires women should wear a sports bra. When the technologist is ready you will be ushered back to the scanning room and asked to lie face up on a table. A tech will guide you through holding your breath as you pass through the open ring of the scanner. Our procedure is non-invasive, painless and efficient.
Our board certified radiologist will read your scan and in a few days you will be mailed a CD of all your images and a detailed written report of your results for your records or to share with your doctor. Should problems be evident, you will be referred to a specialist for follow-up care.
You will leave Accuscan with peace of mind, knowing that one picture is worth a thousand words in the effort to ward off future illness. Take the guesswork out of a diagnosis; call for your "picture of health" now.
LINK: Patient Information Form - PDF format

Call (801) 456-7226 for any questions or concerns.
In order to prepare the colon for examination by C.T., no solid foods may be eaten for 24 hours prior to the study. Drink ONLY clear liquids for 24 hours.
This includes:
- Tea or coffee with no added milk or non-dairy creamers
- Carbonated or non-carbonated sodas/drinks
- Clear chicken or beef broth
- Jello (but no dark colors/flavors)
Remember, no sold food, milk or milk by products are allowed
for 24 hours prior to your procedure!
At 5:00 P.M.
- At 5:00 p.m. the day before your virtual colonoscopy, mix a half bottle of Fleet-Phospho-Soda (1.5 oz.) with one half glass of cold water.
Follow this with at least four more eight ounce glasses of any clear liquid (see above).
- This mixture will result in an urge to evacuate the bowels.
- Please make sure that you are close to a toilet at all times as the mixture will result in frequent diarhea-like bowel movements.
At 9:00 P.M.
Repeat the instructions from 5:00 P.M.
7:00 A.M.
- At 7:00 a.m. on the day of your procedure, insert the Fleet Enema as instructed on the box
- Do not drink or eat anything until your examination is complete. However, you may take any medications with a little water.
- If you are diabetic using insulin please consult your doctor about your diet and insulin dosage.
- You may suffer from some abdominal discomfort or cramps for a while after the procedure. This will soon disappear once the gas has passed.
Don?t hesitate to call (801) 456-7226 if you have any questions or concerns.
Here are the instuctions regarding what you need to know and do in advance of arriving at Accuscan for a medical or elective procedure for the following procedures (click on the link).
CT SCAN (Full Body Scan, Heart Scan, Lung Scan, Head Scan, Bone Density Scan, etc.)
ULTRASOUND (Diagnostic, 3D-4D Ultrasound, Gender Determination)
It is best (and easiest) to wear a loose-fitting, two-piece outfit for an ultrasound exam. Only the abdominal area is exposed during this exam making this a very modest procedure, so you need not worry about having family or friends present.
3D-4D Ultrasound
If you are coming in for a 3D-4D Ultrasound, your images will usually look much better of you hydrate for a few days prior to your visit.
- When possible, please try to drink 8 or 10 glasses of water per day for three days.
- It is also important that you arrive with a full bladder for best results. Having a full bladder helps provide an open path for the ultrasound probe (transducer) to better view the fetus.
We recommend that 3D-4D ultrasounds be performed from between 25 and 35 weeks for the best image results.
Gender Determination
For a 2D Gender Determination, we ask that you wait until at least 15 weeks pregnant. We are aware that most doctor's offices usually do not or cannot determine gender by ultrasound until 19 to 21 weeks.
- Fortunately, we are able to determine gender earlier because of superior imaging equipment and specialized training by our ARMDS nationally board certified ultra-sonographers.
- It is also good to hydrate for 3-4 days prior to your procedure.
Complete OB Ultrasound
- Begin hydrating three or four days prior to your appointment by drinking 8-10 8-oz. glasses of water or other liquids each day before you arrive for your ultrasound scan. Systematically hydrating in advance helps you to feel much more comfortable than a ?hydration blitz? the day of your procedure. Hydration is also very beneficial to your unborn baby.
- If, however there is no time for advance hydration, you need to drink at least 8 ounce glasses of liquid one hour prior to your scan.
- Arrive at your appointment with a full bladder.
- It is very important that you do not empty your bladder or void until after your exam.
Note: It is essential that you follow these instructions. If you do not arrive for your scan with a full bladder, we may need to reschedule your appointment.
Pelvic Ultrasound
- Begin hydrating three or four days prior to your appointment by drinking 8-10 glasses of water or other liquids each day before you arrive for your exam. Systematically hydrating in advance helps you to feel much more comfortable than a ?hydration blitz? the day of your procedure. Hydration is also very healthy.
- If, however there is no time for advance hydration, you need to drink at least 8 ounce glasses of liquid one hour prior to your scan.
- Arrive at your appointment with a full bladder.
- It is very important that you do not empty your bladder or void until after your exam.
Note: It is essential that you follow these instructions. If you do not arrive for your scan with a full bladder, we may need to reschedule your appointment.
Abdominal Ultrasound
- If your are scheduled for an abdominal ultrasound, do not eat or drink for eight (8) hours prior to your scheduled scan.
- If you are on medications, you may continue to take your prescriptions with small sips of water as routinely directed.
Endovaginal (Transvaginal) Ultrasound
- If you are scheduled for an endovaginal ultrasound, it is not necessary to have a full bladder so there is not advanced preparation required for this procedure.
Other Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound Procedures
- For special instructions on Cardiac, Echocardiography, Vascular and other procedures, please call us at (801) 456-7226
Accuscan ultrasound specialists is not affiliated with fetal fotos or fetal studio
Ultrasound: Benefits vs. Risks
- Ultrasound scans are typically non-invasive (no needles or injections) and painless.
- Ultrasound allows the medical provider to peek inside the uterus providing a great deal of vital information about the pregnancy.
- Ultrasound imaging uses harmless sound waves which do not expose you or your unborn baby to any ionizing radiation (x-rays).
- Ultrasound imaging has been used to analyze pregnancy for nearly a half century while there has safely been no evidence of harm to the patient, embryo or fetus. Nevertheless, ultrasound should be performed by qualified medical professionals.
- Ultrasound scans provide vivid images of soft tissues that do not come out clearly with x-ray images.
- Ultrasound is the preferential procedure for monitoring and diagnosing expectant mothers and their unborn babies.
- Ultrasound is widely available and less expensive than other imaging techniques.
- There are no known harmful effects on humans for ultrasound scans.